Wheatgrass Juice Recipe
mU Greens and Greens, Bangalore
Wheatgrass: 20 gms, Ginger: 1/4 inch (Optional), ½ Lemon, Cucumber: 1 inch piece (Optional), Couple of Mint Leaves/ Basic leaves/ Lemon Grass, Salt, Honey, Water
Take approximately 20 gms of Freshly cut Pesticide-Free wheatgrass and wash it thoroughly. Cut the Wheatgrass into smaller pieces and pour it in the juicer along with Ginger, Cucumber and any of the leaves mentioned in the ingredient list. Pour Half a glass of water with pinch of salt and squeeze the lemon. Add one tea spoon of Honey in the juicer and start juicing Wheatgrass. Strain the juice and serve it..
#Wheatgrass #WheatgrassBangalore #PesticideFreeWheatgrass #FreshWheatgrass #FreshWheatgrassbangalore #mu_Greens_and_Greens #wheatgrassjuice #wheatgrassrecipe #microgreensbangalore